It’s an exciting time at the Walla Walla Senior Center! We are SO GRATEFUL to Sherwood Trust for providing a grant to our center and for their support of our seniors and this community. They do incredible work to ensure that Walla Walla is a vibrant place to live.
This grant provides funds for us to re-design our spaces and add intergenerational programming as requested by our seniors. Throughout the past 3 years we have been expanding our services to provide intergenerational opportunities such as cooking classes, Adult Day Center activities, and volunteer opportunities. Our priority will be to expand our arts and crafts area including a pottery studio and to add on a meeting room to make our spaces more functional for added activities.
Research is showing that the senior centers that are thriving across America are ones that are adapting to the changing needs of the community. We want to ensure that we are a lively and flourishing center for years to come, and we believe that we can do this by expanding our programs.
Our priority is always the well-being of our seniors - to ensure your voices are heard and to provide activities and programs that you want to participate in. We are so excited for this next chapter at the Senior Center!
If anyone is interested in joining our Intergenerational Committee, please give Tania a call at (509) 527-3775.
We look forward to seeing you back in the building in July when we open up a morning coffee hour.